My Role
Lead Designer - UI/UX Design, Interactions, Research & User Testing, Wireframing, Motion Design
Lead Designer - UI/UX Design, Interactions, Research & User Testing, Wireframing, Motion Design
Olivia Pingel
Olivia Pingel
Alyssa Waith
Alyssa Waith
Cheyenne West
Cheyenne West
After ideating and conducting research, we realized that the museum experience left much to be desired.
After ideating and conducting research, we realized that the museum experience left much to be desired.
I personally led the team throughout the 10 week process, and played a key role in the designing of the UI, implementation of proper UX principles, branding, style/design guide, and presentation deck. As well as conducting critical user interviews, surveys, and testing.
I personally led the team throughout the 10 week process, and played a key role in the designing of the UI, implementation of proper UX principles, branding, style/design guide, and presentation deck. As well as conducting critical user interviews, surveys, and testing.
The Problem
Museums are Confusing
Larger museums can be confusing to navigate, especially larger ones that you may find in major cities.
Larger museums can be confusing to navigate, especially larger ones that you may find in major cities.
Millions of people pass through museums each and every year. Many of those people being tourists, or those who have never visited the museum before. With outdated signage, inadequate maps, and general lack of information, it can be confusing. Our goal is to figure out a way for museums to improve the overall experience for their visitors, and provide a better comprehensive experience in a single app.
Millions of people pass through museums each and every year. Many of those people being tourists, or those who have never visited the museum before. With outdated signage, inadequate maps, and general lack of information, it can be confusing. Our goal is to figure out a way for museums to improve the overall experience for their visitors, and provide a better comprehensive experience in a single app.

Key User Quotes
Key User Quotes
As we expanded on this issue and began to speak to people, we realized that people had very clear and frequent pain points that arose when speaking about visiting museums.
As we expanded on this issue and began to speak to people, we realized that people had very clear and frequent pain points that arose when speaking about visiting museums.
Users frequently spoke mentioned
having trouble navigating throughout larger museums. Citing lack of information and improper signage within museums.
Users frequently spoke mentioned
having trouble navigating throughout larger museums. Citing lack of information and improper signage within museums.
Many users stated that they felt a lack of interaction within certain museums. With users unable to find more information about specific art they were interested in.
Many users stated that they felt a lack of interaction within certain museums. With users unable to find more information about specific art they were interested in.
Users frequently felt that searching for museum specific information online was difficult and not consolidated, which led them to feel confused and dissatisfied.
Users frequently felt that searching for museum specific information online was difficult and not consolidated, which led them to feel confused and dissatisfied.
Important Focus Areas
Important Focus Areas
With our ideation and research we understood key areas that we wanted to focus on with our product that directly correlated back to user needs.
With our ideation and research we understood key areas that we wanted to focus on with our product that directly correlated back to user needs.
Our Solution
Muse - A comprehensive app for museums across the US.
Key User Quotes
As we expanded on this issue and began to speak to people, we realized that people had very clear and frequent pain points that arose when speaking about visiting museums.
Users frequently spoke mentioned
having trouble navigating throughout larger museums. Citing lack of information and improper signage within museums.
Many users stated that they felt a lack of interaction within certain museums. With users unable to find more information about specific art they were interested in.
Users frequently felt that searching for museum specific information online was difficult and not consolidated, which led them to feel confused and dissatisfied.
Museum Map & Info
Museum Map & Info
When users open the app they are greeted to the museum map screen, allowing them to find museums nearby and view important museum info.
When users open the app they are greeted to the museum map screen, allowing them to find museums nearby and view important museum info.
Museum View & Scanning
Museum View & Scanning
Muse allows you to swap between a global view, and an in depth museum view. Allowing users to view specific info about works within the museum. Can't find a particular piece you want info on? Feel free to scan it with our AR scanning feature.
Muse allows you to swap between a global view, and an in depth museum view. Allowing users to view specific info about works within the museum. Can't find a particular piece you want info on? Feel free to scan it with our AR scanning feature.
Artist Info & Directions
View artist & work information with ease, as well as finding directions directly to what you're interested in.
Profile & Rewards
Acess your profile and take advantage of Museum Coins. Museum Coins are a way for you to track what museums you've been to, as well as gain rewards.
Surveys & interviews.
As research started, I helped create a research plan and finalized it with my team.
As research started, I helped create a research plan and finalized it with my team.
Museum apps are uncommon so we didn't have much to go off of when looking for inspiration. Our goal was to figure out what users had trouble with when visiting museums, and understand how we could bridge the gap using design to help create a better experience for everyone.
Museum apps are uncommon so we didn't have much to go off of when looking for inspiration. Our goal was to figure out what users had trouble with when visiting museums, and understand how we could bridge the gap using design to help create a better experience for everyone.
2 User Surveys
60+ Responses
6 Interviews
Research Plan
Research Plan
For our research plan my team decided the best course of action would be to conduct two surveys, as well as gather participants for user interviews.
For our research plan my team decided the best course of action would be to conduct two surveys, as well as gather participants for user interviews.
2 User Surveys
60+ Responses
6 Interviews
Making sense of it all.
Each part of the research gave us valuable insights into our users needs.
Each part of the research gave us valuable insights into our users needs.
I led my team in affinitizing the various notes and responses that we had received. From this affinitization we grasped a better understanding of what we should focus on moving forward.
I led my team in affinitizing the various notes and responses that we had received. From this affinitization we grasped a better understanding of what we should focus on moving forward.
Of users stated that navigation was
a big issue for them when visiting a large museum for the first time.
Of users felt that it was difficult for them to have meaningful interactions with the works.
Of users found it difficult to find information about or relating to a particular museum.
Survey Results
Survey Results
From the survey results we found three recurring themes that continued to pop up between our short answer questions and our yes & no questions. These key statistics gave us some insight into what we might be focusing on in the future.
From the survey results we found three recurring themes that continued to pop up between our short answer questions and our yes & no questions. These key statistics gave us some insight into what we might be focusing on in the future.
Of users stated that navigation was
a big issue for them when visiting a large museum for the first time.
Of users felt that it was difficult for them to have meaningful interactions with the works.
Of users found it difficult to find information about or relating to a particular museum.
Of users stated that navigation was
a big issue for them when visiting a large museum for the first time.
Users frequently spoke mentioned
having trouble navigating throughout larger museums. Citing lack of information and improper signage within museums.
Of users felt that it was difficult for them to have meaningful interactions with the works.
Of users felt that it was difficult for them to have meaningful interactions with the works.
Of users found it difficult to find information about or relating to a particular museum.

Interviewee Choices
Interviewee Choices
We gathered six participants for interviews, three students who frequently visited museums and 3 museum staff. We chose these participants based on the frequency of museum visits and familiarity with museums.
We gathered six participants for interviews, three students who frequently visited museums and 3 museum staff. We chose these participants based on the frequency of museum visits and familiarity with museums.

Research Affinitization & User Quotes
Research Affinitization & User Quotes
From our six interviews we gathered valuable data points to help drive our future design decisions. From this we also gathered important user quotes, with these three being some of the many that stood out to us.
From our six interviews we gathered valuable data points to help drive our future design decisions. From this we also gathered important user quotes, with these three being some of the many that stood out to us.
Navigating larger museums for the first time
is difficult for new visitors.
Visitors have trouble finding important
information they are interested in.
Interactivity is severely lacking within
certain museums.
Lack of support for guests hamper the
overall museum experience.
Key Statements
Key Statements
Through our affinitization process, we were able to narrow down our data points into four key statements. These statements were frequently mentioned during the interview process.
Through our affinitization process, we were able to narrow down our data points into four key statements. These statements were frequently mentioned during the interview process.
Navigating larger museums for the first time is difficult for new visitors.
Visitors have trouble finding important information they are interested in.
Interactivity is severely lacking withincertain museums.
Lack of support for guests hamper the overall museum experience.
Navigating larger museums for the first time is difficult for new visitors.
Visitors have trouble finding important information they are interested in.
Interactivity is severely lacking within certain museums.
Lack of support for guests hamper the overall museum experience.
Users frequently spoke mentioned
having trouble navigating throughout larger museums. Citing lack of information and improper signage within museums.
Users frequently spoke mentioned
having trouble navigating throughout larger museums. Citing lack of information and improper signage within museums.
Many users stated that they felt a lack of interaction within certain museums. With users unable to find more information about specific art they were interested in.
Many users stated that they felt a lack of interaction within certain museums. With users unable to find more information about specific art they were interested in.
Users frequently felt that searching for museum specific information online was difficult and not consolidated, which led them to feel confused and dissatisfied.
Users frequently felt that searching for museum specific information online was difficult and not consolidated, which led them to feel confused and dissatisfied.
Design Focus Areas
Design Focus Areas
My team and I organized all of our research into three main focus areas that we intended to address with our design. This helped narrow the scope of the project and allowed us to effectively plan the product's features and functionality.
My team and I organized all of our research into three main focus areas that we intended to address with our design. This helped narrow the scope of the project and allowed us to effectively plan the product's features and functionality.
Users frequently spoke mentioned
having trouble navigating throughout larger museums. Citing lack of information and improper signage within museums.
Many users stated that they felt a lack of interaction within certain museums. With users unable to find more information about specific art they were interested in.
Users frequently felt that searching for museum specific information online was difficult and not consolidated, which led them to feel confused and dissatisfied.
Figuring out the solutions.
How might we provide a better museum experience for visitors?
How might we provide a better museum experience for visitors?
Now that we had finalized everything relating to our research, we began to theorize and craft possible solutions to our four key statements.
Now that we had finalized everything relating to our research, we began to theorize and craft possible solutions to our four key statements.

We created user personas to help understand our target users a bit better, as well as to help inform our user journey maps.
We created user personas to help understand our target users a bit better, as well as to help inform our user journey maps.

User Journeys
User Journeys
We created these user journeys using the previously made personas for our journeys. We used these to help us understand certain touchpoints they interacted with throughout their visit, as well as their emotional changes.
We created these user journeys using the previously made personas for our journeys. We used these to help us understand certain touchpoints they interacted with throughout their visit, as well as their emotional changes.

Key Product Features
Key Product Features
Using our personas, user journeys, and design focus areas, we created four main features that we felt would our users current issues and pain points.
Using our personas, user journeys, and design focus areas, we created four main features that we felt would our users current issues and pain points.
Turning our idea into a reality.
We had laid out our research and features, now all that was left was to design.
We had laid out our research and features, now all that was left was to design.
Laying out a lot of the framework in the past helped guide us to this point, and all that was left was for us to design. Having set such a strong foundation for the project, I realized just how important it was to have done all of the work leading up to this point. It allowed us to design quicker and more efficiently.
Laying out a lot of the framework in the past helped guide us to this point, and all that was left was for us to design. Having set such a strong foundation for the project, I realized just how important it was to have done all of the work leading up to this point. It allowed us to design quicker and more efficiently.

Using rough phone mockups we created over 30+ wireframes for possible screens that we wished to design. This process helped support our UI design for the final prototype.
Using rough phone mockups we created over 30+ wireframes for possible screens that we wished to design. This process helped support our UI design for the final prototype.

Information Architecture
Information Architecture
Alongside our wireframes we crafted our app's information architecture. This process helped us understand the general flow and structure of the app.
Alongside our wireframes we crafted our app's information architecture. This process helped us understand the general flow and structure of the app.

To ensure that we had consistency with our design we chose we developed a styleguide to follow as we created our prototype screens.
To ensure that we had consistency with our design we chose we developed a styleguide to follow as we created our prototype screens.

UI Components
UI Components
Using our styleguide I created some UI components that would be used throughout the app.
Using our styleguide I created some UI components that would be used throughout the app.
UI Interactions
I envisoned some of our UI being animated, so I exported our frames and animated them in After Effects to better show off our vision for the product.
This project taught me a lot.
Helping others understand the UX process and design principles is difficult.
Helping others understand the UX process and design principles is difficult.
This project was with the graphic design department, and I was the only UX major on the roster. As the project lead I helped my teammates understand the UX process. It was difficult to help my team learn and understand what I was teaching them, but it turned out ok.
This project was with the graphic design department, and I was the only UX major on the roster. As the project lead I helped my teammates understand the UX process. It was difficult to help my team learn and understand what I was teaching them, but it turned out ok.
Organization and communication is extremely important when you are running a project.
Organization and communication is extremely important when you are running a project.
In the beginning of the project we had a lot of issues with both organization and communication. Taking the lead I set up a document with all of our links (Figma, Miro, Slack) which cleared stuff up a lot.
In the beginning of the project we had a lot of issues with both organization and communication. Taking the lead I set up a document with all of our links (Figma, Miro, Slack) which cleared stuff up a lot.
Cross collaboration with other types of designers can teach you valuable skills.
Cross collaboration with other types of designers can teach you valuable skills.
The other three people in my team were all coming from a graphic design background. They taught me a lot about certain graphic design techniques, as well as tips on things like Adobe Illustrator.
The other three people in my team were all coming from a graphic design background. They taught me a lot about certain graphic design techniques, as well as tips on things like Adobe Illustrator.
Austin de Nijs
Austin de Nijs
Product Designer
Product Designer